The Miners have overcome 4 straight losses to open season by winning 5 or their last 6 games. They appear to be on a roll and will be tough to beat. However, our Railroaders have improved from our slow start. Team batting average is at .246, OBP is .379, slugging average is .406 and OPS (slugging + OBP) is .785. These stats top the Miners who have a team AVG of .234, OBP at .347, SLG at .325, and an OPS of .672. It should be a good game at the plate tonight.
A quick look at pitching stats gives the Miners the edge. Madisonville’s team ERA is 4.447 while the Railroaders have a 7.419 team ERA. The Railroaders will need to play well in the field to overcome the errors committed in the 9 games played, 22 total. The Miners have had 18 in their 10 games completed. Both teams play well together and I expect the same tonight.
Hopefully the weather hold and field will be ready. Hope to see you at the Yard or online with TeamLine. Follow the game also on GameChanger. Go Railroaders!
I hoped Ole Lohaus would be able to dry out enough for tonight's game but alas the weather was just too much. Already looking forward to the double header on Friday. In the meantime, the Railroaders are going to Hopkinsville tomorrow and you betcha I'll be there. It will be great to see you there as well. Go Railroaders!