Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Headed for the Dog Pound

The 4 games with the Oilers are over and we took 3 of them. The standings don't change, so our lead is still only 2 games. The Oilers and Greyhounds both in 2nd and chasing us close. We must go now and tame to Dogs over the next 3 nights. Thursday and Saturday are in Union City, and in between on Friday we play them in Fulton. The UC Messenger claims, "Greyhounds find their Groove, and on the Move". . . kind'a catchy don't you think? The Hounds fully intend to put the screws to us and knock us out of 1st. And they believe they are the best team in the Kitty League. I'm not going to waste my time in responding to those type of thoughts. The few loyal fans they have need words of encouragement, so we'll let them have their printed words. After all, they need something to bark about.

I know we have a quality team and they are playing better every game. The Railroaders have been coming from behind, getting more hits when needed, and the defense is looking awesome. And the pitching...well, I don't think there is any better than our crew. It's a downhill run now, guys. No looking back. We can handle the Dogs, so let's spoil their 4th of July weekend and put them in their place . . .Behind Us!


  1. Congrads to the crew for keepin it FIRED UP against the Oilers,we have grown to know them well over the last few days and 3 outta 4 is great,Hope Brian Beavin is ok ,he took a pretty good hit to the head last night from a wild pitch.
    The dogs are gonna be tough but nothing this crew cant handle-if they have found a groove---well..We are fired up and hot,and found our spot(1st place)
    Lets roll on and muzzle those hounds !

  2. I am surprised a cloud didn't blow by during the 2nd game in Owensboro that would give them the excuse to call the game. Maybe the big 6TH inning we had was too late for them to BAIL OUT again.

    Too bad more teams don't have TeamLine so everyone could follow the games. Guess only Fulton and Tradewater are proud enough of their teams to sponsor broadcasts.

    Go Railroaders, let's make the Greyhounds an even lighter shade of "pale." Would that make them the "washed-out" hounds?
